Monday, 25 June 2012

We've Moved

With the new website which is now live ( we've also moved our blog over there and onto wordpress. 

We'll leave this site open but it will no longer be getting updated so head on over to the swanky new one here to keep up to date from now on!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

New website

We've kind of been on a forced hiatus for the last 6 months due to everyone involved desperately trying to complete degrees, but well degrees are now completed and we have no more excuses for being lazy so we're back! The first thing we're dealing with is our website, which has been a holding page for too long now. The new site (which you can get a little sneak peak of above) should be live within the next couple of days and once it is you can but our books on there! So keep an eye on it, I promise we wont stay quiet for as long ever again!

Friday, 18 November 2011

A Busy Week

It's been a busy week here in the Ghostwood Press office (well bedroom) as we've been frantically getting all our books together for Handmade & Bound this Sunday. We're nearly there now only 1 book left to print and some trimming and binding to do. Will probably do a post tomorrow showing off all the finished books, but for now here's a couple of snapshots and a little preview of our flyers (above) that you can pick up for absolutely nothing on Sunday, they're made from the many many mistake's that have happened during the printing process, we don't waste anything here.

 Here's Kathryn making our tablecloth with a sexy wood pattern and her morrisey lino print, both of which will be with us on Sunday.

And here's steph numbering her book after a long and confusing printing process.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Two New Contributors

It's really great for us to be able to announce that we have two new contributing artists! They're both doing a book each that should be ready by Handmade & Bound next week so let me introduce you to Ashley Wiltshire & Stephanie Bickford-Smith.
Ashley Wiltshire is a Graphic Design student at Kingston and his book Chimps on Speed is a really energetic book of very great and expressive drawings of chimps.
Stephanie is also a Graphic Design student at Kingston and her book Stains is an obsessive observation of stains, drawn through a magnifying glass with exceptional detail.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Baby by Gemma Green-Hope

We've got a new book on the way (pardon the pun.) It's a lovely little book by our friend Gemma Green-Hope who is in her third year at Kingston University with us and We've just sorted out the mock up and am eagerly awaiting seeing it printed here's a little sneak peak.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Handmade & Bound

Some more really exciting news in the form of another fair that we'll have a table at. It's Handmade & Bound! We've got half a table at the event on November 20th. For more info check out the facebook event and we look forward to hopefully seeing you there.

On a side note we've finally got down to actually starting with printing our first lot of books, so keep an eye out in the next couple of days on the blog for more news about that!

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Daily Drawings September 2011

Kathryn Newman has been doing a drawing a day with no particular theme on her blog for about a month now. So far so good. Now every month Ghostwood Press plan to release a book collating each months drawings. Here's some preview pages from the first months book.